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Expertise und Referenzen

Moderation of events/panel discussions for selected industry associations and corporates in the financial and technology Industry 


Focus on Geopolitics, Asset Allocation, Family Business, Private Equity, Climate Finance

Freelance Writing/Editing 




NZZ Finanzen

SINCE 2019


  • NZZ Swiss Economic Forum, Interlaken (since 2022)

  • PointZero Forum, Zurich (2023)

  • Handelsblatt “Investment Live”, Düsseldorf & Leipzig, 2023

  • Impact Gstaad (since 2022) 

  • NZZ Impact Finance Forum (2021, 2022 & 2023) 

  • Interpharma, Basel (since 2022)

  • NZZ Swiss International Finance Forum, 2019 

  • Institutional Investor Conferences, Zurich & Düsseldorf (2021,2022, 2023)

  • Swiss Finance Institute, various events, Zurich (since 2020) 

  • UBS Center Forum for Economic Dialogue, University of Zurich (since 2021) 

  • CesIfo EconPol Forum, Brussels (since 2022)

  • Annual Research Night, Department of Economics, University of Zurich (2022)

  • Singapore Fintech Festival, 2020

  • Global Solutions Summit, Berlin (2019, 2020, 2021)

  • Global Economic Symposium, IfW, Kiel/Germany (2019)

  • Klimadialog, IfW, Berlin (2019)

  • Germany Trade and Invest, 10 year Conference, Berlin

CNBC International (2007-2020) 

Moderation & Redaktion von diversen täglicher Sendungen für CNBC International 

(bis zu 4 Stunden Live Moderation – Themen: internationales Börsengeschehen, Politik, Wirtschaft, Technologie)

Reporterin vor Ort für CNBC:

  • Finanzkrise Europa

  • Eurokrise v.a. Griechenland, Italien, Spanien;

  • Wahlen v.a. Deutschland, Niederlande, Grossbritannien, Italien, Griechenland

  • Berichterstattung zu Quartalsergebnissen von Grosskonzernen, DAX, SMI, FTSE  sowieso Stoxx 600

  • Unternehmensnachrichten (M&A)

  • Internationale Konferenzen wie G7, EU Gipfel, Eurogruppe

  • Automobilmessen Genf und Frankfurt

  • WEF Davos

  • Sportevents (Wimbledon)

 CNBC - Moderation “Marketing Media Money” Show, monatlich

 CNBC - Moderation “Business Class” (Start Up fokussierte Sendung)

 Focus TV - Marktberichte DAX

 MSNBC - Tägliche Berichterstattung zum globalen Wirtschaftsgeschehen

 Today Show, NBC - Bericht Eurokrise Griechenland

 Gast Kommentatorin in deutschen Talkshows, z.B. "Maybrit Illner"

Event Moderation 

  • Comcast - Kick-off Event DMEXCO 2017, Köln (CNBC)

  • NBC Universal - Digiday, 2017, „Future of Media”, London (CNBC)

  • Advertising Week, 2017, “Marketing and Sports”, London (CNBC)

  • NBC Universal - Women in Business, 2017, London (CNBC)

  • Cannes Lions - Panel discussion “Programmatic Advertising”, 2017, Cannes (CNBC)

  • ABB - ABB 125 Year Gala, 2016, Zurich (CNBC)

  • Cable Europe - Keynote Debate, CableCongress 2014, Copenhagen, 2015 Amsterdam (CNBC)

  • Invest India - London Investment Forum 2012, London (CNBC)

  • 2n20 - Alternative Investments conference, 2012, Zurich (CNBC)

  • SwissMediaForum - 2011 & 2012, Luzern, Switzerland (CNBC)

Writing: Gastkommentatorin NZZ Finanzen, CityAM, 

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