Expertise und Referenzen
Moderation of events/panel discussions for selected industry associations and corporates in the financial and technology Industry
Focus on Geopolitics, Asset Allocation, Family Business, Private Equity, Climate Finance
Freelance Writing/Editing
NZZ Finanzen
SINCE 2019
NZZ Swiss Economic Forum, Interlaken (since 2022)
PointZero Forum, Zurich (2023)
Handelsblatt “Investment Live”, Düsseldorf & Leipzig, 2023
Impact Gstaad (since 2022)
NZZ Impact Finance Forum (2021, 2022 & 2023)
Interpharma, Basel (since 2022)
NZZ Swiss International Finance Forum, 2019
Institutional Investor Conferences, Zurich & Düsseldorf (2021,2022, 2023)
Swiss Finance Institute, various events, Zurich (since 2020)
UBS Center Forum for Economic Dialogue, University of Zurich (since 2021)
CesIfo EconPol Forum, Brussels (since 2022)
Annual Research Night, Department of Economics, University of Zurich (2022)
Singapore Fintech Festival, 2020
Global Solutions Summit, Berlin (2019, 2020, 2021)
Global Economic Symposium, IfW, Kiel/Germany (2019)
Klimadialog, IfW, Berlin (2019)
Germany Trade and Invest, 10 year Conference, Berlin
CNBC International (2007-2020)
Moderation & Redaktion von diversen täglicher Sendungen für CNBC International
(bis zu 4 Stunden Live Moderation – Themen: internationales Börsengeschehen, Politik, Wirtschaft, Technologie)
Reporterin vor Ort für CNBC:
Finanzkrise Europa
Eurokrise v.a. Griechenland, Italien, Spanien;
Wahlen v.a. Deutschland, Niederlande, Grossbritannien, Italien, Griechenland
Berichterstattung zu Quartalsergebnissen von Grosskonzernen, DAX, SMI, FTSE sowieso Stoxx 600
Unternehmensnachrichten (M&A)
Internationale Konferenzen wie G7, EU Gipfel, Eurogruppe
Automobilmessen Genf und Frankfurt
WEF Davos
Sportevents (Wimbledon)
CNBC - Moderation “Marketing Media Money” Show, monatlich
CNBC - Moderation “Business Class” (Start Up fokussierte Sendung)
Focus TV - Marktberichte DAX
MSNBC - Tägliche Berichterstattung zum globalen Wirtschaftsgeschehen
Today Show, NBC - Bericht Eurokrise Griechenland
Gast Kommentatorin in deutschen Talkshows, z.B. "Maybrit Illner"
Event Moderation
Comcast - Kick-off Event DMEXCO 2017, Köln (CNBC)
NBC Universal - Digiday, 2017, „Future of Media”, London (CNBC)
Advertising Week, 2017, “Marketing and Sports”, London (CNBC)
NBC Universal - Women in Business, 2017, London (CNBC)
Cannes Lions - Panel discussion “Programmatic Advertising”, 2017, Cannes (CNBC)
ABB - ABB 125 Year Gala, 2016, Zurich (CNBC)
Cable Europe - Keynote Debate, CableCongress 2014, Copenhagen, 2015 Amsterdam (CNBC)
Invest India - London Investment Forum 2012, London (CNBC)
2n20 - Alternative Investments conference, 2012, Zurich (CNBC)
SwissMediaForum - 2011 & 2012, Luzern, Switzerland (CNBC)
Writing: Gastkommentatorin NZZ Finanzen, CityAM,